Python / Escape going to Poets Pub tonight!

Python / Escape are headed over to “dVerse Poets Pub” night tonight at

“Python” was inspired by the line “tell me about despair” in the poem “Wild Geese” by Pulitzer Prize winning poet, Mary Oliver. I was inspired by that particular line, as well as her use of flowers or animals in her poetry titles/content.

Creative writing instructor/poet, Reinekke Lengelle suggested that I write a response to “Python”, thus “Escape” came several months later. For those who do not know Sheri-D Wilson, she is a published poet, spoken word artist, and writing instructor. Check her out at




The serpent lurks.

Harmless when

hidden among the tall fragrant grass

blades moving slightly

from the whisper of a breeze.

Waits patiently

for opportunity to strike

not suddenly,

but effortlessly,

coiling lazily,

moving upward

wrapping fourteen feet

of tourniquet body

around my soul,

tightening with each pass,



The vise grip of despair

holds me first, then

swallows me whole.




Utter darkness,

nothing but the slimy

disgusting insides

of the snake

waiting to digest me.

I think of the bumper sticker “WWJD?”

“What would Jesus do?”

But then instead I think:

“What would Sheri-D do?”

Poet, warrior, goddess.

She’d slay this situation with her tongue,

Or pull an emerald embellished

pewter handled blade out

from her imagination,

slicing open the snake skin

with a sudden jabbing thrust,

then a long slide down,

freeing her body, mind, spirit

along with her voice


Copyright Suzanne Wood 2013.


9 thoughts on “Python / Escape going to Poets Pub tonight!

  1. nice…felt the tightening in the first one…that snake def lurks if we let it…love how you use what was given you in the second….whip out that pen and write yourself out of it creatively…smiles….cool pair…glad you added the second one…


  2. Thanks for stopping by Brian, appreciate your feedback. I had a quick look at your site; loving your work, will definitely be back to read more! Off to writers group get-together shortly, for more motivation and inspiration. 🙂


  3. oh heck…already inside that snake the escape is even more difficult…glad you made it..and love the message in this that even if we fell already, it’s not too late to get up and change things


  4. Now that’s what I have been waiting for, original wanton words flowing! I must say you are getting the hang of this. I’ll have to come for classes one day :).


  5. Classes? You crack me up girl!! 😀

    I will post more poems as time goes by….this was one poem I knew I definitely would not be making new and improved, so was ready to post. Thanks again for encouraging me to blog, it is fun, the writers here amazing.


  6. Thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed my “escape”! lol I just read some of your poetry. Well done! I also visited your youtube poems Lost & Awakening – the road ahead, which I also enjoyed. I really like the sound of your voice (it is soothing) and hearing the poetry read aloud. A writing instructor recently suggested that I do some youtube poetry readings as well. I am not very technically proficient, so not sure how many hours it might take me to learn how to do one. 😦 Is it easy? time consuming?


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